About CMP

I fell in love with photography as a teenager both aspects of the capture and the edit, but fell head over heels for it when my daughter was born in 2009. I love natural light photography and I look at it as an art form that grows and changes with the artist. I tend to be a prop minimalist and a face photographer. I love capturing the personalities of "little monsters" and "little princesses". Children's faces are by far my favorite thing to look at through my lens! I am a photographer, I love photography, and I am a growing artist!

I am frequently asked why I run my business the way that I do. What it comes down to is that I am both a mother and a consumer. I have the unique ability to see both sides of these things. When my daughter was young we saved and went to a local photographer for a family portrait as well as portraits of my growing baby. I paid my session fee, had a plan on what I could spend on prints. I ended up not being able to afford all the photographs that I wanted. Which really bothered me because this was my child, and the only memories I was going to have of her at this age! I ended up borrowing money from my parents for portraits. It was at that specific moment that I decided that I was going to learn the in's and out's of portrait photography. Not to start a business, but to preserve my own child’s photographs.
Eventually after doing several portrait sessions with my daughter, friends and friends-of-friends started asking me to photograph their children. The business was an afterthought. I knew I had a lot of growing to do as an artist so my prices have started off small and gradual have risen over the last two years meeting both the demand for my art, and my talent. The DVD/CD of Photos are always going to be included in my pricing. That is the way I would want it as a consumer and the way that I personally want to run my business. 2012 I started offering print packages and al la carte prints. I knew my clients and their families needed to be offered professional prints. It also helped me cut back on the “Why did __(fill in your local plug and chug photo printer)____ DESTROY my prints? They look nothing like the photos on the DVD! Is there something wrong with the DVD?” Local non professional printers auto correct both color and exposure, making the picture darker or lighter, sometimes even blurry or grainy. If you want professional prints at a great price you can buy them through CMP!

When you go to local chain store for photos you get a person they have hired and taught how to use their equipment. Not someone passionate about your photographs! When you go to a boutique photographer and plan on spending $1000's of dollars you pay for their years of expertise and reputation. I am not the best photographer out there. I can hold my own, but I am still learning and building both my reputation and myself as an artist! These are things a consumer should consider in their pricing. My goal is to offer working families great personalized photographs that they can cherish for years to come. If you are a working family on a budget, I am the photographer for you! I don't believe you should only be able to afford to get pictures made of your children once a year, or be forced to pay for the cookie cutter chain stores. My prices will always be what I can afford to pay if I was my own client. I am a photographer, I am a wife to a carpenter, and a mother of two.